by scdigital | Oct 21, 2024 | Entrepreneurship & Leadership
This section is on the role evidence plays in civil and criminal cases. Here is the most frequent comment on Facebook groups: “Investigations do no good in civil cases. Don’t waste your money.” Of course I argue against this all the time. My job is...
by scdigital | Oct 16, 2024 | Entrepreneurship & Leadership
Can you work your own case? In short, yes. But let’s look at some considerations before you venture off in your surveillance vehicle. There are some steps to gathering solid evidence that will hold up in court. You may be in one or more of the following...
by scdigital | Oct 11, 2024 | Entrepreneurship & Leadership
People always ask me this and it’s a great question. I usually tell people that I tripped backwards and fell into it. That’s not completely accurate. I do have a background that lent itself to this field, but not the traditional path one might suspect. Starting out in...